
Connect DC Yule

Sunday, December 17, 2017 - 4:30pm

Ritual intent:  We will connect our lives and our work going forward to the lives and work of our hero ancestors with the intent of building hope for the future.

Gather at 11:30, Ritual at Noon

Two Rivers Sancturary
412 Hamilton Street NW
Washington, DC

2017 Connect DC Samhain

Sunday, October 29, 2017 - 7:30pm

Gather at 11:30, Ritual at Noon

Our Ritual Intention: Remembrance To remember, mourn and acknowledge our beloved dead; and to celebrate, welcome and bless our cherished newborns. 

Please bring your names for reading.

  • Loved ones who died since November 2, 2016 
  • Newborns since November 2, 2016 

    We will have an Ancestor Altar available if you wish place items on it.  We only ask that you retrieve your items when you leave.

    Fellowship after the ritual is provided by the Reflections Mystery School.

  • Connect DC Mabon and 2017 DC Pagan Pride Day

    Sunday, September 17, 2017 - 7:30pm

    Ritual Intention: TBD

    Join us for the 2017 DC Pagan Pride Day!

    From 10:30 am till 4:30 pm at Fort Reno Park!

    Please bring non-perishable food donations for S.O.M.E.

    We will have community, classes, entertainment and ritual.

    Fort Reno Park
    Donaldson Pl, NW
    Washington, DC

    Connect DC Lammas

    Sunday, July 30, 2017 - 7:30pm

    Come join Connect DC as we celebrate Lammas.

    Date/Time: Sunday, July 31, 2013 Gather at 11:30 AM, Ritual at Noon

    Ritual Intent: TBD


    Two Rivers Sanctuary
    412 Hamilton Ave NW
    Washington, DC 20008

    DIRECTIONS: GPS works well for this location. There is available street parking.

    This location is accessible via Public Transportation:
    --Metrobus: 62 and 63 is 1 block away
    --Metrorail: Fort Totten Metro station on the Red Green and Yellow lines is 1 mile away. Takoma Park Metro on the Red Line is about 2 miles away.

    Upon arrival, go up the first set of stairs and enter the side yard through the gate and follow the path to the temple door.

    Two Rivers Sancturary
    412 Hamilton Street NW
    Washington, DC

    Connect DC Litha

    Sunday, June 18, 2017 - 7:30pm

    Gather at 11:30 am, Ritual at Noon

    Ritual Intention: At the time of summer solstice, when the sun is at its height, we fill our souls with love and work together to co-create a life-affirming future for ourselves and our communities.

    Two Rivers Sancturary
    412 Hamilton Street NW
    Washington, DC

    Connect DC Beltane

    Sunday, April 30, 2017 - 7:30pm

    Gather at 11:30. Ritual at noon.

    Ritual Intention:
    We light the fire.
    We light the fire of illumination.
    We light the fire of illumination to shine a light on those things that are hidden and obscured.

    We light the fire.
    We light the fire of purification.
    We light the fire of purification to burn away those things that are spin and distraction.

    We light the fire.
    We light the fire of courage.
    We light the fire of courage to spur those who have the ability to investigate what needs to be brought to light.

    We light the fire.
    We light the fire of justice.
    We light the fire of justice to turn up the heat on those in positions of power who have brought harm and destruction to our world.

    Fellowship will follow inside the temple.

    Two Rivers Sanctuary
    412 Hamilton St, NW
    Washington, DC

    Connect DC Ostara

    Sunday, March 19, 2017 - 7:30pm

    Gather at 11:30 am, Ritual at Noon

    Please bring flowers!

    Ritual Intention: Though the darkness of winter has yet to recede, now is the time to prepare for spring, by tending to the new life growing within and around us. Join us as we cleanse ourselves of winter’s dross and plant new seeds

    Action statement: Join us as we cleanse ourselves of winter’s dross and plant new seeds.

    Two Rivers Sancturary
    412 Hamilton Street NW
    Washington, DC

    Connect DC Imbolc

    Sunday, February 5, 2017 - 4:30pm

    Gather at 11:30 am, Ritual at Noon
    Ritual Intention: There is work to be done. We pledge to Brigid to do our work.

    Two Rivers Sancturary
    412 Hamilton Street NW
    Washington, DC

    Connect DC Beltane

    Sunday, May 1, 2016 - 7:30pm

    Gather at 11:30. Ritual at noon.

    Ritual Intention: Awaken to the divinity within all life

    Fellowship will follow inside the temple.

    Two Rivers Sanctuary
    412 Hamilton St, NW
    Washington, DC

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