2023 Samhain

Sunday, October 29, 2023 - 12:00pm

Gather at 11:30am. Ritual at Noon

At Samhain, we stand at a threshold between the old year and the new, between summer and winter, between the past and the future, between life and death. In this liminal space and time, we gather to remember, mourn, and acknowledge our beloved dead. We also celebrate, welcome, and bless our cherished newborns. In the sacred circle, we read their names and we pour out the water of our tears and grief.

Join Connect DC on Sunday, October 29 at Two Rivers Sanctuary to honor life and nature's transitions into the resting time of winter. We will gather at 11:30am. Ritual starts at 12:00pm with fellowship to follow. Potluck contributions are welcome but not required.

Bring the names of those you love who have died and who were born since Samhain 2022 to be included in the reading. If you cannot attend but would like their names read during the ritual, please send them to Angela(dot)Raincatcher(at)gmail(dot)com by Friday, October 27.

@ Two Rivers Sanctuary

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